Abstract Submission Guideline

Technical information

  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Maximum of three hundred (300) words.
  • Use Microsoft Word format: Arial; font size 11 or larger.
  • No PDFs. Abstracts must be formattable to be printed in the Abstract Book.
  • Use standard abbreviations. Any special or unusual abbreviations should be written, in brackets, after the full word is first used.
  • Abstracts should contain only text. No diagrams, figures, pictures, tables or charts should be included.
  • For reference, an abstract template in Word format can be downloaded here.

The abstract

  • State whether you prefer an oral or poster presentation. Applicant who has chosen to give oral presentation is presumed to be committed to produce manuscript in the conference proceedings. The Organising Committee has the option of altering the type of presentation.
  • The abstract must start with its presentation title and the full first and last name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s). Do not use initials for the first names. (Examples: Albert Smith instead of A. Smith; Catherine D. Jones instead of C. D. Jones; Tai-Man Chen instead of T.-M. Chen).
  • The lead author should be named first; with their full details (title, qualifications, organisational/academic affiliation, address and e-mail) supplied at the bottom of the abstract. All correspondence will be with the lead author. If the lead author will not be presenting, underline the author who will present OR if none of the authors are presenting, state the presenter’s name.
  • The above information is excluded from the 300 word limit.
  • The abstract should cover the following aspects:
    1. Purpose and/or relevance of the information to be presented
    2. A brief description of methods, if pertinent
    3. A summary of results
    4. Statement of conclusions reached
    5. A maximum of 5 keywords (in alphabetical order)

Details of abstract submission to be announced.

Details of YSA and TG to be announced.